Human Facial Attractiveness

6th February 2017 Off By FatimaLona

Evidence shows that our perceptions of beauty in the human face is based on how closely one’s features reflect phi, the golden ratio, in its proportions.

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The earliest known representations of the human female form are the European Paleolithic “Venus figurines,” ranging in age from 23,000 to 25,000 years. We asked participants to rate images of Paleolithic figurines for their attractiveness, age grouping and reproductive status.

Finden Sie das nebenstehende Gesicht schön? Kein Wunder! Denn es wurde mit Hilfe eines Computers berechnet und von Psychologen der Universität Regensburg so optimiert, dass es von möglichst vielen Menschen als möglichst attraktiv empfunden wird.

Psychology experiments about preferences for faces and voices

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Analysis for Face Attractiveness: What Are the Scoring Ranges and Factors? November 01, 2011; by Katie Ivonette; Certain Dimensions And Ratios Create Harmony In The Face Attractiveness Features!

A university study declares a “new” golden ratio for facial beauty but validates Phi, the Golden Ratio, as the basis for perceptions of beauty.

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Symmetry and Facial Attractiveness 297 EXPERIMENT 1 To circumvent technical problems caused by mirroring or blending a face with its mirror image, we developed a new technique of manipulating apparent symmetry.

Physical attractiveness is the perception of the physical traits of an individual human person as pleasing or beautiful.It can include various implications, such as sexual attractiveness, cuteness, similarity and physique.

Generally, physical attractiveness can be viewed from a number of perspectives; with universal perceptions being common to all human cultures, cultural and social aspects, and individual subjective preferences.

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Now, even though I have gone to rigorous ends to elicit these ratings from the recesses of my mind, obviously they are still relative to my personal taste. That being said, while men will all disagree over the minutiae of female beauty, …