Dental Dams For Oral Sex

1st December 2015 Off By FatimaLona

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Email; We’ve received requests for more info about condoms that are made specifically for oral sex, as well as other safer oral sex methods. Indeed, the know-how in this area is not as wide known as it should be.

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You might be surprised to learn that the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV) is a leading cause of throat cancers, and it spreads from person to person via oral sex.

This article explains the benefits of using a dental dam for engaging in safer oral sex.

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Tips for using condoms and dental dams (part of the Daily Living program on sex and sexuality), from the VA National HIV/AIDS website.

Health Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Dental Dams Yes, they really exist. Here’s everything you need to know about …

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Dental dams . Fact: you can still catch STIs from oral sex. So if you’re going down on your partner, it’s worth using protection.

opinion Using dental dams and condoms during oral sex is a good idea… but no one will actually do it

Dental dam use is super important if you want to protect yourself from STIs while giving oral sex. Here’s everything you need to know about what they are, and how to use them.

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Dental dams are a great way to protect yourself when you have oral sex (go down on someone).

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A dental dam or rubber dam (sometimes termed “Kofferdam”—from German), designed in the United States in 1864 by Sanford Christie Barnum, is a thin, 6-inch (150 mm) square sheet, usually latex or nitrile, used in dentistry to isolate the operative site (one or more teeth) from the rest of the mouth. It is used mainly in endodontic, fixed …

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