Assume Makes An Ass

29th May 2014 Off By FatimaLona

Apr 16, 2009 · WHOA, Hello! What a way to start your morning! LMAO…ok I don’t know what disturbs me more…that ass or the fact that that isn’t a baboon…I don’t think.

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There’s no firm consensus on how much water a breastfeeding mother needs; generally drinking to satisfy thirst is sufficient for most women.But many women will tell you that nursing makes them positively parched, especially in the early days when their supply is regulating and everyone involved is getting the hang of things.

A few days ago I was driving through a grocery store parking lot, when my forward progress was interrupted and I was forced to sit and wait for yet another shitpouch to back his car into a parking space.

FBI Probe ‘Assume everybody’s being recorded’ and other tidbits heard in pay-to-play trial The federal trial resumes in Allentown on Monday

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I told the host, whom I presume to be the owner judging from the picture on the website, that I had reservations. [SF Gate] And in this example, the speaker states that he doesn’t know, which makes his guess a clear-cut assumption

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Jun 13, 2016 · Nothing can fully prepare you for raising your ren as a single man– but getting advice from mans who’ve done it themselves certainly helps. Below, HuffPost Divorce bloggers share 12 things they wish someone had told them early on. 1. People will give undue credit to your ex. “Here’s one

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embolization ‘the process by which a blood vessel or organ is obstructed by a material mass’ . oleaginous ‘marked by an offensively ingratiating manner or quality’

I. Imagine a little kingdom with a quaint custom: when a man likes a woman, he offers her a tulip; if she accepts, they are married shortly thereafter.

Nov 18, 2016 · This comes from a TV series. A man says : “What did we always say about the past ?” Woman : “It makes an ass out of you and me”. What is it supposed

The Timey-Wimey Ball trope as used in popular culture. Excepting mundane travel from the past to the future at a rate of one second per secondnote For …

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